Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My First Wednesday

Tonight, I went back to church on Wednesday night for the first time since Emily was born. I am glad that I did.

First of all, the Bible study - this is a perfect one for me to start with. Pastor Ken is doing this study on the book of Hebrews. Tonight seemed like just a taste of what we will be studying but it felt so right to finally be in an adult service for the first time in my life. After tonight, it was just a confirmation that I need to be there for now. As we were wrapping up, I finally felt something that I haven't really given myself the time to feel - hunger for Jesus. But not the same as when I was in youth ministry. It was a hunger for ME to get closer. It was so great to have that.

Emily stayed in the nursery and she just got fussy towards the end. I'm sure its because she was tired and she's still getting used to it. Either way, she was fine after :)

Then, there was my talk with Jen. I won't go into the details but she said some things that I know my heart needed to hear from someone who knew I needed to listen. It was all stuff that I've been thinking about lately so I know she is right. Its going to stick with me a while. Jen, if you're reading, thank you.

Now, I'm curled up in bed, excited about the weekend that we have planned and confident in Eric's job search and keeping my faith that God's taking care of all of it. Good night.

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